Selasa, 2 Oktober 2012

<< a CutE Of !nsEcts >>

i jUst mEet a cHarLie !! eRrRr . . it's scAred !! i caLLed oNe of my hOusemAte tO pUt sOme of tHe saLotApe tO pUt on tHe cHarLie ! hAha . . finaLLy , its die . . kih , kih , kih . . fOr tHe sAfe stEp , wE mUst bE aWare it !! dOn't iGnOre aBout tHat ! bE cAreFuL !! Oke !! (^_^)")

::[eXpLoRaCe's dAy]:: 30th Sept 2012

tHank yOu fOr aLL Of my fRiEnDs bEcAuse yOu aLL have givEs yOuR wHoLe cOopEratiOn in oUr tEams . I LovE yOu aLL !! tHanKs sOo mUch . aLthOugh wE aRe juSt in oNe tEam fOr a wHilLe , bUt i fEeL wE are knOws eAch OthEr fOr a LoNg time aGo . hEhe . . =)  hOpe , wE migHt to mEet aNd bE tOgeTher aGain fOr tHe nExt tiMe , nExt aCtivitiEs . . . OritE !!   (^_^)

~ p!ctUreS !n FBM's pRogRaMs ~ (^_^) [29th sept 2012]

pOsinG . . pOsinG . . sMiLeEeEe  . . . aRe yOu rEady ?? 1 , 2 , 3 . . fLash !! haHa . . tHat's piCtuReS aRe wHen wE wEre wAitEd fOr FBM's pRogRaMs . . LoOk !! thEre are sOo cUte piCtUres !! hEk , hEk , hEk . .  =P

GatEwAy tO eXceLLeNt !! [29th sept 2012]

tHis piCtUre i've gOt laSt sAtUrday , 29th sept 2012 wHen i've an tHe aCtiVities in Faculty of Business Management . . tHat's fun and making me tO oPen oUr mind aBoUt bUsinEss . . insya-ALLAH . . =)