HeRe. . i'M witH my yOuNgEr siSteR . . wHerEver i go, wHatEver and wHenEver i do , of cOuRse sHe is aLways being my sUpEr top gUaRd witHout wages . . haHaha . . lovE hEr soOo mUch my littLe swEet yoUnger sistEr !! hOpe yOu aRe aLso bE yOurS wHen i'm gOnNa say goOd bye [paSsed aWay..] hehehe .. peAaccEee . . ~ =P
Selasa, 27 November 2012
Isnin, 26 November 2012
<<[truth story]>>
The love could not be forced and cannot has to. Come with on its own. Because it determine felicities life and our future. This a story from my friend that has to foster engagement bond with a person thats called "a man". In fact, she es not be in love with him. Upon arrival period want to marry, that man decide engagement to other woman. Very cruel that man !! ~~ Be patient my friend ! This a test for you. Accept them with sincere. Surely there is meaning. (take lesson from this story, okay? Don't play heart and sentiment others if heart not ready to do. . . ) hmmmm . .
>>Run Night<< [23 nov]
After tired run but not same as runner champion, pictorial proudly that we said "we are winner!!". But aCtualLy, that is instEaD ~ hahaha . . (^_^') pEaCeee !!
:: EveRytHing is Okay ::
Don't be sad.. everything that happen there are have the meanings.. just smile ... okay ??? ~~
LIKE THIS !!!! hehehe . . (^_*)")
see!! that is more better , right ?? hehe . . (^_^)
wOww !! soOoOo cutezzz !! (^_(")) ~
Lets to watch it ! that can make you to enjoy and laugh from this video . . watch now . oO yeahh !! heHehEe . . (o.O,)
::mandarin:: (>.<)
Lets tO LeaRn in MaNdarin LaNguAge !! have fun ! hehehe . . . (^_*) yi , er , san, si , wu, liu . . . ?? hUhuHu . . (^_^)")
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